About the Journal

Filosofija nauki i tehniki / Philosophy of Science and Technology” Journal (ISSN 2413-9084 (Print); ISSN 2658-7297 (Online)) is a philosophical periodical with two issues a year. It is oriented towards professional audience. The goal of the journal is the publication of the research results in the field of philosophy of science and technology, epistemology and philosophy of cognitive science. The journal is a redesigned continuation of the annual “Filosofija nauki” (Philosophy of Science) that has been published in the Institute of Philosophy of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) since 1995 till 2015.

 Subject areas:

  1. General Problems of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science and Technology
  2. Historical Epistemology of Science and Technology
  3. The Problems of Convergence of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities
  4. Methodological Problems of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Technical Sciences, Engineering and Humanities
  5. Philosophical Problems of the Contemporary Technoscience and Convergent Technologies
  6. Ethics of Science and Technology, Engineering Ethics
  7. Social and Philosophical Problems of Science and Technology
  8. Epistemology and Cognitive Sciences

 Editor-in-Chief: Vladislav Lektorsky, Prof., DSc in Philosophy, Full Member of RAS; Main Research Fellow of the Department of the Theory of Knowledge (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Executive Editor: Elena Trufanova, DSc in Philosophy; Leading Research Fellow, Head of the Department of the Theory of Knowledge (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Managing Editor: Marina Burgete, Research Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Editors: Sophia Pirozhkova, Senior Research Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia); Nadezhda Kolganova, Junior Research Fellow Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia).

Editorial Team

Publisher:  Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences

Frequency: 2 times per year

First issue: 1995 (under the title “Philosophy of Science”, ISSN 2225-9783); since November 2015 under the new title “Philosophy of Science and Technology” (ISSN 2413-9084)

The journal publishes papers in Russian and English language.

The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor). The Mass Media Registration Certificate No. FS77-60065 on Deсember 10, 2014 

The journal follows Open Access Policy — all papers in full versions are accessible for readers for free.

The journal is included in the list of peer reviewed scientific editions acknowledged by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; in Russian Science Citation Index (Web of Science), in the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory; in the EBSCOhost (Philosopher's Index with Full Text).

Subscription index in the Catalogue  of The Russian Mail is ПН149.



Address: 12/1 Goncharnaya Str., Moscow, 109240, Russian Federation. Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, “Philosophy of Science and Technology”

Tel.: +7(495) 697-93-93

E-mail: phil.science.and.technology@gmail.com