Editorial Team

Editorial Board:

Vladislav LektorskyEditor-in-Chief, Prof., DSc in Philosiophy, Full Member of RAS; Main Research Fellow of the Department of the Theory of Knowledge (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia) 

Elena TrufanovaExecutive Editor, CSc in Philosophy; Leading Research Fellow, Head of the Department of the Theory of Knowledge (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia) 

Evandro Agazzi, Prof., Ph.D. in Philosophy, International Member of RAS; Professor, (Universidad Panamericana of Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico) 

An Qinian, Prof., Ph.D. in Philosophy; Professor (People's University of China, Beijing, China) 

Vladimir Arshinov, DSc in Philosophy; Main Research Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Nadezhda Bagdasaryan, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Professor of the Chair of Sociology and Culture Studies (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia); Head of the Chair of Sociology and Humanities (State University “Dubna”, Dubna, Russia)

Valentin Bazhanov, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Head of the Chair of Philosophy (Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk, Russia) 

Fyodor Blyukher, CSc in Philosophy; Leading Research Fellow, Head of the Department of Philosophical Problems in Social Sciences and Humanities (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

David Bakhurst, Prof., Ph.D. in Philosophy; Professor (Queen's University, Kingston, Canada)

Irina Chernikova, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Head of the Chair of Philosophz and Methodology of Science, Professor of the Chair of Social Communications (National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia)

Vladislav Cheshev, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Professor of the Chair of Methodology and Philosophy of Science (National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia)

Michael Decker, Prof., Ph.D. in Natural Sciences and Philosophy; Director (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karslruhe, Germany)

Dmitrii Efremenko, DSc in Political Science, CSc in Philosophy, Vice-Director, Head of the Center of the Social Scientific and Informational Research (RAS Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Armin Grunwald, Prof. Ph.D. in Physics and Philosophy, Director (Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karslruhe,Germany)

Ilya Kassavin, Corresponding Member of RAS, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Head of the Department of Social Epistemology (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia) 

Yulia Khen, DSc in Philosophy; Leading Research Fellow of the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Helena Knyazeva, DSc in Philosophy; Professor of the School of Philosophy (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia); Professor of the Chair of Philosophy and Bioethics (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia)

Hans Lenk, Prof., Ph.D. in Philosophy, International Member of RAS; Professor (Institute of Philosophy of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany)

Tatiana Leshkevich, DSc in Philosophy; Professor of the Chair of Philosophy and Methodology of Science of the Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Ilkka Niiniluoto, Prof., Ph.D. in Philosophy; Professor (University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland)

Elena Nikitina, Ass. Prof., DSc in Philosophy, Professor of the Chair of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science (Moscow  Technological University (MIREA), Moscow, Russia)

Galina Purynicheva, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Head of the Chair of Philosophy (Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia) 

Tom Rockmore, Prof., Ph.D. in Philosophy; Professor (Peking University, Beijing, China)

Andrei Sevalnikov, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Main Research Fellow of the Department of Philosophy of Natural Sciences  (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Natalia Smirnova, Prof., DSc in Philosophy; Main Research Fellow, Head of the Department of Philosophical Problems of Creativity (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Vadim Vasiliev, Corresponding Member of RAS, DSc in Philosophy, Professor; Head of the Chair of History of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)

Alexandra Yakovleva, CSc in Political Science; Main Research Fellow (Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia)

Natalia Yastreb, Ass. Prof., DSc in Philosophy, Head of the Chair of Philosophy  (Vologda State University, Vologda, Russia)


Editorial office:

Managing Editor: Marina Burgete, Research Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia)

Editors: Sophia Pirozhkova, Senior Research Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia); Nadezhda Kolganova, Junior Research Fellow Fellow (RAS Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia).