Critical spirit and search for truth. In memory of A.L. Nikiforov
correspondent concept of truth, knowledge, science, technoscience, purpose, meaning, specificity of philosophy, methodology of history, truth and veracity [pravda]Abstract
The article examines the views of Alexander Leonidovich Nikiforov (04.28.1940–09.29.2023), whose name is inseparable from the formation and development of Russian epistemology. His persistent interest in the problem of the correspondent concept of truth and its protection from intrascientific and social criticism is noted, the rationale for the unified nature of science as knowledge and criticism of the interpretation of technoscience as the third, post-non-classical stage of the development of science are analyzed. In the light of the correspondent concept of truth, the question of the cognitive status of humanitarian, especially historical knowledge is considered, in particular the question of the epistemological legitimacy of using the concept “veracity [pravda]” instead of the concept “truth” in historical research. It is shown that A.L. Nikiforov proposed a concretized concept of truth that retains commonality with truth as correspondence, in this case, to the available historical data and methods accepted in this science. In such a refined form, veracity [pravda] can serve as a criterion for distinguishing scientific research from other forms of historical description, but does not provide all the conditions for the correspondence theory of truth, the use of which even in academic history is recognized as limited. The main thing that unites the analysis of the problem of truth in the context of the study of technoscience, on the one hand, and historical research, on the other hand, is the distinction and recognition of the cognitive and non-cognitive goals (practical, ideological) realized in them and the associated epistemological and axiological criteria and attitudes, cognitive and emotional components. It is substantiated that, asserting the significance of the concept of truth, A.L. Nikiforov stands for the defense of the autonomy of scientific research, its methodology and ethos as conditions for the responsible behavior of scientists, which ensures the high status of science in society and culture. Shown as A.L. Nikiforov defended the specificity of philosophical epistemology, distinguishing it from other special scientific methods of studying science. It is concluded that in addition to solving specific theoretical, epistemological and methodological problems, the contribution of A.L. Nikiforov is to implement a critical-skeptical approach, which allows, in particular, to minimize the negative impact of authoritative and recognized positions in the scientific community on the research process. Embodying the ideals of criticism in his work, A.L. Nikiforov was one of those who contributed to Russian philosophy finding a new breath.