Deborinians are philosophers of science (social and humanitarian sciences)


  • Sergey N. Korsakov RAS Institute of Philosophy



A.M. Deborin, Soviet philosophy, Deborin’s school, Stalinist repressions, philo­sophical questions of social and human sciences


The article attempts to give a panoramic overview of the works of philosophers of the school of Academician A.M. Deborin in the field of philosophical problems of social sciences and humanities. This article continues the study begun in the previous article on this topic, devoted to the contribution of the philosophers of the Deborin school to the development of the philosophy and methodology of the natural and axiomatic sciences. The very model of the organization of philosophical knowledge by type: philosophical methodology – philosophical problems of par­ticular sciences – was formed in the Deborin school, then developed in Soviet philosophy and after the defeat of the Deborin school, and in general, with the corresponding changes, was inherited by post-Soviet philosophy. At the same time, those philosophers who laid the foundations for the de­velopment of philosophical problems of individual sciences were forgotten, since almost all of them were repressed, and their works were withdrawn from free access in libraries. The formation of the problematics of the philosophical problems of sciences during the thaw period was based on the traditions of the Deborin school. But at the same time, the names of philosophers them­selves were erased from history. This article will focus on those representatives of the Deborin school who dealt with the philosophical problems of psychology (B.A. Fingert, M.L. Shirvindt, I.D. Sapir, I.F. Kurazov, Yu.V. Frankfurt), political economy (B.S. Borilin), law (I.P. Razu­movsky), sociology (F.E. Telezhnikov), ideology and politics (N.N. Bobrovnikov, S.I. Novikov), history (S.S. Krivtsov), history of science (Ya.M. Uranovsky), history of technology (H.I. Garber). The most general characteristic of their scientific works, the problems they posed, the philosophi­cal positions they occupied are given. The relevance of the individual provisions put forward by them in the field of philosophy and methodology of specific sciences is noted.






Historical epistemology of science and technology