Reassembling the subject and the problem of development


  • V. Kuznetsov Lomonosov Moscow State University



subject, subject of development, post-nonclassics, post-nonclassical subject, interdisciplinarity, reflexion, thought ecology


The paper considers the problems outlined in the book by V.E. Lepskiy “Analytics of Assembly of the Subject of Development”. Lepskiy frames the problem of development as a philosophical one, but he goes beyond conceptual analysis in his treatment: he offers some concrete ways and means of application of the results of development studies in development projects of varying scale. Positive thinking aims at a search for ways out of any conundrum, even if for a coherently critical eye it seems like there aren't any. Therefore it is hard to condemn Lepskiy's consistent optimistic outlook of the contemporary situation, which is very complicated on several levels of study and increasingly complex with regards of ways of its development. The first question is the question of the subject of development. The classical conception of the subject as solid and self-transparent is neither viable nor feasible anymore. Description and modeling of such complex reflexive constructions and complex imbalanced systems requires an interdisciplinary approach. Some attempts in this vein (as represented in the works of G. Schedrovitskiy, V. Lefevre, V. Arshinov and Y. Svirskiy) have already been explored by Lepskiy. However, no less important would be to use Latour's theory of networks and M. Rosov's theory of social relay. In the process of development, subjects encounter not just the resistance from the environment but also the inertia of social, cultural and civilizational practices. They have to somehow smoothen the arising conflicts, prevent or compensate for accompanying negative or destructive growth factors and treat very gently some very sore nodal points which connect people's psychological complexes to traditional forms, ways and styles of life. This point is sadly missing from Lepskiy's work. 






