The philosophical interpretation of modern approaches to creating the quantum theory of gravity


  • Ivan A. Karpenko National Research University Higher School of Economics



philosophy of science, quantum gravity, cosmology, general relativity, quantum field theory, holographic principle, string theory, AdS/CFT correspondence


The article is devoted to the philosophical interpretation of the several approaches to the creation of a quantum theory of gravity. The analysis of the key aspects of the General theory of relativity and the Standard Model, the clarification of the relevant concepts contents (gravity, particle, field, space, etc.) are conducted for this purpose. We establish the causes and origins of the creation of the quantum theory of gravity problematical character, give the interpretation of the existing problems. Therefore, the article shows a fundamental difference between realities described by the two leading modern physical theories. Classical science is based on common sense and intuitive representability, while the microcosm cannot be directly observed and therefore is out of the representable sphere. This is probably the part of the reason for the incompatibility of the equations of quantum theory and general relativity. On the basis of the philosophical analysis of the results of some modern theoretical physics concepts, the article presents the direction of creation a quantum theory of gravity. This direction appears to be the combination of the consequences of several concepts of the string theory and the holographic principle to the properties of the quantum-mechanical entanglement. The phenomenon of nonlocality is discussed separately. Historically, it has been considered axiomatic that the world is organized locally – i. e. there can not be interactions (without intermediaries) through empty space. In Newton's theory of gravitation this has become the main problem: the gravitational force has had no intermediaries (and has also propagated instantly). Any remote bodies have interacted with each other not in a local way. In fact, it has been a mathematical challenge to the physics of that time. Later the problem has been solved in a positive way: the gravitational interaction propagates with a finite velocity – the speed of light, and thus the inconvenient question of instantaneity has been solved. The question of the absence of intermediaries has been also solved – they are gravitons, but the hypothetical ones (although, recently recorded gravitational waves have become indirect confirmation of this – the perturbations of the gravitational field). However, nonlocality has returned not for long. Modern quantum field theory is nonlocal. Moreover, it is nonlocal in both ways - both the time costs and the concept of physical intermediaries are unnecessary for the transfer the interaction. In the strongest sense of nonlocality we are talking about the fact that the space itself is nonlocal (this becomes possible if the multidimensionality is allowed). In the quantum field theory nonlocality is a consequence of the quantum entanglement. The entanglement is most likely dually connected with gravity, and the non-locality is a characteristic of the multidimensional space. The problem lies in the fact that this result is not literally applicable to our reality and describes the possible worlds (in the context of the diversity of the laws of physics). The article establishes that, despite the mentioned, the theory remains scientific and still appears to be a good approximation to the observed physical reality.







Theory and methodology of science and technology