Valuative modeling of collective consciousness
collective consciousness, collective consciousness interpretative activity, interpretive models for interpretative activity, valuativ, valuativ matrixAbstract
It is researched the possibility of modeling the interpretative activity of the collective consciousness in the spirit of philosophical analytics. As a model it is proposed the collage construct called valuativ which combines the basic forms, means, results of interpretative activity of the collective subject – presentation of the heroic, hostile, normal, valuable, and language, artistic creativity and ideology. Along with the above key properties – to be synchronized as a collage and to contain ingredients so that each of them tends to cover the whole field of evaluation being actually functional in their substructural boundaries valuativ carries out important social functions. It would be a mistake to disclose its function only according to its fragments taken isolated from each other and distinguish making heroes, regulating etc. Valuativ is the integrity of its identities and, therefore, its functions should be defined as functions of the whole. The functions carried out by valuativ such as interpreting, motiving social action, organizing and centering community of any scale, differentiating society into "territories of valutivs" are revealed. It is emphasized that the interpretive function is dominant. The author suggests the analysis for the structure of the interpretive process in its relation to valuativ matrix. The object of interpretation is the social reality fragments; the means for interpretation are given in the valuativ matrix lines; the results of interpretation are presented as objects of social reality which refer to valuativ matrix lines. The possibility of internal varying depending on what valuativ component centration is made. At the same time none of the possible models is not considered to be objectively superior to others. Special attention is given to pan-axiological model as to one which pretends to predominance and which is based on speculative substantial interpretation of values.