Innovative Development of Russia: Philosophical Analysis


  • Vladimir E. Lepsky Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


innovative progress, models, methodology, the scientific rationality, spontaneous innovative environments, integrity, SCO


Objective of article is development of recommendations on perfection of conceptual bases and mechanisms of innovative progress in Russia and on space SCO. Base investigative techniques are developed on the basis of use of three types of scientific rationality (classical, nonclassical, postnonclassical). Are used the approach of activity, it is subject-activity and subject-focused approaches which have allowed to allocate models of innovative progress appropriating various types of scientific rationality. On the basis of base models of innovative progress the assessment of separate strategic documents and the projects defining a state of the art and prospects of innovative progress of Russia and space SCO is lead. The generalized assessment of the considered approaches maybe is stated as dominating orientation to “market innovative progress”, to commerce of innovations, with wide participation of the international companies to which end-products basically and innovations will go. And the degrading Russian economy appears not ready to their development. To what disorder of aircraft construction, motor industry and many other things of branches of a national economy testifies. The principal cause, in our opinion, is connected with a strong effect of liberal ideology on formation of strategy of innovative progress, despite lacking support of this ideology mostly the Russian society. Perspective mechanisms of innovative rise of the country could become modernized in view of modern scientific development and the Russian realities Institutes of the General designers who have provided earlier world positions of the country in a number of directions of development of hi-tech production. On space SCO the problem of creation alongside with the engineering centers of the Strategic centers of innovative progress with use of technologies of Institutes of general designers is actual.






The socio-political dimension of science and technology