In Search of Reality: Disappearance


  • Alexander S. Karpenko Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


reality, EPR-paradox, local realism, Bell's inequalities, non-locality, entanglement, consciousness, modal thinking, superrealism


The problem of reality discussed in the present paper is evoked by debate on philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics. The author underlined the phase of discussions which may be called post-Einsteinian and post-Bohrian. Much consideration is given to problem of non-locality in quantum world, to famous Bell’s inequalities and Aspect’s experiments, which played an important role in proving superiority of Copenhagen interpretation for quantum theory, which is opposed to theories requiring the use of hidden parameters. It is shown that phenomena of quantum entanglement and non-locality gradually blur the classical concept of reality. Still the problem turns out to be much more complicated, because numerous studies question the rigid distinction between spirit and matter, and in this case the largest share is given to the creative ability of consciousness. It is stated that modal, possibilistic thinking approach opposed to anti-realism gains yet more significance and gives rise to “superrealism” requiring realization into actuality for everything thought of as possible. As the result, the famous philosophical proposition by René Descartes takes the following form: “I exist, ergo I am thinking the possible”. (“To exist means to think the possible”).






Theory and methodology of science and technology