Qualitative Demography: Past and Future


  • Julia V. Khen Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


qualitative demography, eugenics, racial hygiene, Darwinism, adaptation, degeneration


The change in emphasis in population policy, to move from a simple accounting of population growth to the management structure, recently raised more and more often. The idea of optimizing the quality of the people is the idea of degeneration of mankind, as a result of weakened action of natural selection. Qualitative demography occurs when translating traditional eugenic projects at the State level. The need for such a step in the development of the eugenic movement is related to two factors. First, it is an extreme high cost of eugenic measures, which only the State budget. And secondly-almost all eugenic manipulation illegal, i.e. translation of demographics on the quality the Rails ", probably will require changes in the law. The purpose of the paper is to consider the historical variety of demographic utopias and trying to avoid the errors and excesses, try to assess the opportunities and prospects for qualitative demography today.






Human sciences