Russian Science in the Context of Media


  • Natalia N. Emelyanova Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Valentina V. Omelaenko Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences


scientific information, open science communication, medialization of science, Russian science in mass media


The article is devoted to the structural and conceptual changes in the modern science communication. Specific features of scientific information that is making in media determine these changes. Science and media industry are considered as two crucial and independent systems in reproduction of information. Common for many countries trends in development of science communication are illustrated in this article. Russian specific character such as decline of scientific-literacy despite high credibility to the domestic science is in the focus too. The results of a special media-research “Russian science beyond the headlines of central news agencies, print media and online editions (2013–2014)” are published in this article. A variety of context information retrieval, a monthly dynamic of messages, a distribution of messages in different mass media types and a proportion of original messages to the reprints are amongst them. The most demand newsbreaks in federal mass media are topically grouped and defined by qualitative analysis. Information about Russian science and Russian sciences in central mass media shows within every topically unit. The certain conclusions are made about activity of the central Russian mass media in the sphere of information making about Russian science and Russian sciences.






The socio-political dimension of science and technology