The Cognitive Complexity
mind-body problem, cognitive complexity, nonlinear thinking, self-organization, complexity, consciousness, subject-object, embodiment, enactivismAbstract
The concept of cognitive complexity is developed in the article. The complexity of cognition involves the syncretic inner connection of the level of perception and the mental level (perceptual thinking), the logical and intuitive components, the analogue, continuous and digital, discrete ones as well as loops of feedback between a cognitive agent and a medium which it cognizes, the connection of cognition with action, of cognition with communication. The cognitive complexity is formed also by complexity of functioning of consciousness and of the intertwining of its levels. Mind is considered as a structure-process in the interdependence of its bodily and mental aspects: body is able to cognize; it is thinking one, whereas mind is moving one. Mind is a self-organizing system, and self-organization engenders the phenomena of emergence, unpredictability on the level of the whole. The concept of cognitive complexity is discussed in the context of the notions of complexity and nonlinearity of thinking as well as of nonlinearity of writing. It is argued that a “complex epistemology” (Edgar Morin) is necessary for comprehension of complexity of cognition and creativity.