Problem of Cognition of Other Subjective Reality
«other minds», subjective reality, personal and public, «argument from analogy», epistemology of a subjective reality, the communicative approach, scientific hermeneutics, decoding of brain codes of the mental phenomenaAbstract
Key questions of a problem of “other minds” are discussed: 1) what are the definition criteria that some external object, including other person, possesses quality of a subjective reality? 2) how the knowledge (understanding) of substantially certain conditions of another’s subjective reality is reached and how is it possible? Insufficiency of the «argument from analogy» is found while attempting to answer these questions. The role of various hermeneutic approaches to understanding of another’s subjective reality is considered, perspectivity of scientific hermeneutics is shown, in particular, in such branch as neurocryptology which puts and solves problems of decoding of brain codes of the phenomena of a subjective reality.