A new theory of Time connecting differentiated cum undifferentiated universe
time, God and attributes, philosophy of science, theology, space-time, quantum theory, classical theory, relativityAbstract
Time, the most mysterious and misunderstood truth of the universe has been paralyzed by modern science and philosophy. Time has not found any active role in the sustenance of universe other than to measure the space. Universe is differentiated internally who’s existence shows undifferentiated uniformity as a whole. The democracy in the nature is so evident that existing notion and concept of time and space is unable to explain that bizarre nature. At first, this lack of understanding will be disseminated and established by considering the Newtonian, relativist and quantum world view of the time and space that demonstrate their inability to narrate causal explanation of the natural world. This vacuum will motivate philosophical enquiry on the question rather than depending only on scientific data. Existence has two unavoidable questions to be known about, first, `what it is’ and second `what it is for’. Both ancient and modern progress on the discussion of time only exposed the second part that is `what it is for’. The first question `what it is’ has not been even defined as the question to be pondered on. Keeping these two questions in context, a new theory of time has been proposed which is dynamic and active in every existence of this universe. The theory is able to give a fresh look of the universe while justifying all the paradoxes posed by the vacuum created due to existing notion of Time and its relation to universe. This paper will tackle the second question `what it is for’, while the second part of this research that will follow shall reveal the mystery of ontology of time that is `what it is’.