Page from the history of philosophical problems of physics in the USSR: Eduard Fritsevich Lepin (1893‒1937)
E. F. Lepin, A. M. Deborin, Soviet philosophy, Deborin’s school, philosophical problems of physics, Stalin's repressionsAbstract
The article provides a sketch of the scientific biography of the Soviet philosopher Edward Fritsevich Lepin. Lepin was a supporter of the school of academician Deborin in philosophy, a specialist in philosophical problems of physics. He graduated from the philosophical branch of the Institute of Red Professors. He worked in the Leningrad branch of the Institute of Philosophy. He developed methodological problems of new areas of physics: quantum mechanics and relativity. He studied the following questions: the correlation of dynamic and statistical regularity, the reverse effect of the investigation on the cause, the account of the probability in the knowledge of physical processes. He considered it necessary to apply the obtained methodological principles not only in physics but also in biology. In philosophical terms, Lepin's ideas were ahead of time by 30 years. In 1935 Lepin was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment in penal servitude. Unfortunately he lectured his friends on philosophy and sharply criticized the Stalinist regime. For this Lepin and his listeners were re-arrested and shot.