Value-target regulations and emergence in the existential projection of the digital world


  • T.G. Leshkevich Southern Federal University



concepts of post-nonclassical science, value-target regulations, transformation of digital values, emergence, existential projection


The article provides insight on methodological tools of post-nonclassical science from existential perspective using the example of such concepts as value-target regulations and emergence. The main goal of the article is to expand the philosophical analysis of these methodological tools by studying their transformations in the digital age. The article considers four dimensions. Firstly, it exposes the existential projection of post-nonclassical concepts. Secondly, it defines the features of value-target regulations in relation to the semantics of purpose and value. Thirdly, the article reveals the specifics of the value system transformation in the digital age. Fourthly, it analyzes the concept of emergence in the context of contemporary realities. The author identifies significant vectors of transformations in value-target regulations, among which are the priorities of technosocialization and developing digital skills; Big Data technology development and datafication. “Double updating” patterns, simulated info-presentation and multitasking characterize behavioral digital transformations. Mental transformations are based on the expanded capabilities of brain, due to the existing trends of integration with intelligent systems. The author comes to the following conclusions. Firstly, the existential projection of post-non-classical methodological tools consists in the need for a reflective analysis of goals in relation to values. This helps to bridge the gap between the logical-conceptual abstractness of methodological tools and the problems of human existence. Secondly, at present, when digital technologies are becoming the structural element of modernity, their implementation requires active subjectivity aimed at discovering the true meaning of events and affecting the use of technological innovations. Thirdly, in spite of the fact that emergence effect is inevitable, value-target regulations contribute to the introduction of “strategic reason”, humanitarian priorities and initiatives into
life practices.

Author Biography

  • T.G. Leshkevich, Southern Federal University

    доктор философских наук, профессор






Innovational complexity