To the defense of “irrational disbelief in science”
science, religion, experience, knowledge, faithAbstract
The article is devoted to the relationship of science to religion, in particular, to the arguments about the similarity of the processes of obtaining knowledge in these areas of human life in the article by A.V. Ivanov “The relationship between science and religion: new facets of the old problem”. The author notes the weak argumentation of the concept of “immanent evidence” and the misuse of the phrase “external experience”. In addition, the dependence of the process of obtaining knowledge on the area in which this knowledge will be used is shown. The author clearly demonstrates the fundamental difference between the influence of science and religion as a system of culture on human life. The development of science from other forms of true knowledge is considered. The deep roots of religious consciousness are stated to solve two existential problems that are present in the life of any person: the obvious social injustice of the structure of society and the death of loved ones. The concept of the obligatory connection of scientific knowledge of the world with the religious vision of being is criticized. The example of the concept of “two truths” shows the independence of the scientific exploration of the world from religious consciousness and the dependence of the religious on scientific discoveries.