Philosophical analysis of technology and philosophy of dialogue
technology, philosophy, dialogue, man, freedom, creativityAbstract
The prospects for the analysis of technology with the help of the philosophy of dialogue are considered. A person’s desire to get rid of external restrictions is realized with the help of material and non-material technology. From the very beginning of the philosophical analysis of technology, there has been a dispute: whether technology increases the freedom and creative potential of a person or reduces it. The philosophy of dialogue explores the opposite of a technical relationship to the world. It is shown that technology is the opposite of dialogue: a monologue of a person who, according to his own will, transforms nature and other people (who transform him). Technical is the relation of a person to the world, based on the desire to remake it in order to adapt to one’s desires: this attitude is the opposite of the readiness to remake oneself to adapt to the world, which is characteristic of traditional societies and biological species in general. Both attitudes to the world – technological and personal, monologue and dialogue – are justified by necessity and must take their place in life, but today the technological attitude is replacing the personal one. Technology increases the creative potential of a person as an active agent in a passive environment, so it does not increase his freedom: technology is the freedom of a monologue.