Philosophical analysis of technology and philosophy of dialogue


  • Natalia V. Popkova Bryansk State Technical University



technology, philosophy, dialogue, man, freedom, creativity


The prospects for the analysis of technology with the help of the philosophy of dialogue are considered. A person’s desire to get rid of external restrictions is realized with the help of material and non-material technology. From the very beginning of the philosophical ana­lysis of technology, there has been a dispute: whether technology increases the freedom and creative potential of a person or reduces it. The philosophy of dialogue explores the opposite of a technical relationship to the world. It is shown that technology is the opposite of dia­logue: a monologue of a person who, according to his own will, transforms nature and other people (who transform him). Technical is the relation of a person to the world, based on the desire to remake it in order to adapt to one’s desires: this attitude is the opposite of the readi­ness to remake oneself to adapt to the world, which is characteristic of traditional societies and biological species in general. Both attitudes to the world – technological and personal, monologue and dialogue – are justified by necessity and must take their place in life, but to­day the technological attitude is replacing the personal one. Technology increases the cre­ative potential of a person as an active agent in a passive environment, so it does not in­crease his freedom: technology is the freedom of a monologue.






Theory and methodology of science and technology