Computational epistemology projects


  • Ekaterina A. Alekseeva State Academic University for the Humanities



computer epistemology, multi-agent modeling, data analysis, machine learning, social epistemology


The article is devoted to the currently actively developing philosophical research approach – computer epistemology. Computational epistemology is epistemological research, one of the key methodological components of which is the use of computer tools that allow one to obtain non-trivial conclusions. Despite the fact that the history of the use of computer tech­nologies in the framework of philosophical research has been going on for more than twenty years, this area has begun to develop actively quite recently. This is connected with the wide­spread introduction of computer technologies into everyday life, and with the development of computer research tools proper, and with a change in certain attitudes within the philosophi­cal community. It is assumed that computer epistemology, as part of computer philosophy, is part of the digital humanities, but it does not just use computer tools, but changes the very way of philosophical thinking. The article gives a definition of computer epistemology
in the context of computer philosophy in general, shows that there are several concepts related to the use of digital technologies in philosophical, in particular epistemological, research, con­siders the relevance of the very concept of computer epistemology. The article also proposes a classification of approaches in the field of computer epistemology, which can be extrapo­lated to computer philosophy in general. It is proposed to distinguish two types of approaches in the field of computer epistemology: the first is model and agent-oriented, the second is data-oriented. The article analyzes the difference between their epistemological and technical foun­dations, and also provides vivid examples of the application of these approaches in epistemo­logical research. The point of view is considered, according to which computer modeling can become a key epistemological and philosophical method in general, arguments are given both “for” and “against” this statement. An assumption is also made about possible further scenar­ios for the development of computer epistemology. It is assumed that the foundation of intel­lectual experience by computer technologies will lead to a situation where computer episte­mology will become one of the key areas of epistemological research.






Research programs of epistemology