Reflexivity in social systems control (philosophical and methodological analysis)
reflexivity, control, ontologies, scientific rationality, subject-oriented approach, activity approach, subject-activity approach, self-developing reflexive-active environments, third-order cyberneticsAbstract
The paper substantiates, in the context of the development of ideas about scientific rationality (classical, non-classical, post-non-classical), an increase in the role and variety of types of reflexive activity (reflexivity) in management. Philosophical and methodological analysis using three types of scientific rationality identified the basic approaches in control (activity, subject-activity, subject-oriented), basic paradigms (“subjectobject”, “sub- jectsubject”, “subjectmeta-subject”), cybernetics of the first, second and third order. This made it possible to identify the dominant types of reflexive activity corresponding to them. The convergence of basic approaches is within the framework of post-non-classical scientific rationality based on the cybernetics of self-developing poly-subject (reflexive-active) environments. The trend of transition from control to self-regulation and self-development of reflexive activity in self-developing reflexive-active environments has been substantiated. Ontologies and principles of organizing a self-developing reflexive-active environment predetermine the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-development. The analysis contains the specifics of reflexivity in the control of various types of social systems (economics, politics, education, the military sphere, information wars and confrontation, etc.). The article substantiates the priority of Russian science in the study of reflexivity in the control of social systems, which is largely due to the specifics of Russian philosophical and methodological research.